Who are we?
First holding company of the Radio Pharma Logistics Group, founded in 2005, we are specialized in « just in time the same day ».
Strongly customer oriented, our headquarter is located nearby the Lille Eurasanté campus.
We focus our activities on radiopharmaceutical and radioactive materials transportations for first class customers domestically and globally.

Safety and quality
Safety, quality and the strict respect of the class 7 transportations regulation are part of the DNA of our company since our formation in 2005.
On the market, we are the only radiopharmaceutical transport commissioner ISO 9001 certified for radioactive materials transportation and we have also obtained this certification for the 2015 version of the ISO 9001 norm since 2006.
ISOVital uses a specific geolocalization software which allows its customers to follow parcels in real time.
Expertise and rigour
Even the senior leaders of our company are class 7 experts or PCR and cumulate more than 7 decades of expertise in transporting radioactive and sensitive materials for the industry.
Our commissioners team is also specialized and most of our teams members are graduated from the High Institute of Transport and International Logistic (ISTELI). Our expert teams also include class 7 security advisors, radioprotection experts (PCR), IATA graduated operators.
We also benefit the expertise of our AFAQ internal graduated auditor.

Trained and qualified drivers
In order to insure the success of the hundreds of logistics operations performed by our company each year, we benefit from a group of 200 class 7 and ADR-certified drivers.
Since 2005, we have also created a unique internal control team dedicated to monitor internal controls 24/7 on any of the Radio Pharma Logistics Group companies, in order to make sure that the regulation and our internal procedures are strictly applied.