Loos, France, Isovital Headquarter, June 22nd 2020 – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG) ; ISOLIFE – AFNOR ISO 9001-2015 certification successfully renewed for the “organization of transport for radioactive and hazardous materials”.
Following the June 2020 AFAQ audit, Isolife is pleased to announce that is AFAQ ISO 9001 V2015 was successfully renewed for the “organization of transport for radioactive and hazardous materials”.
Fabrice Nibart, Isolife President said: “While the unprecedented COVID crises seems fading at last, I want to take the opportunity of this successful renewal, unique amongst radiopharma logistic companies, to thank our partners and our teams fully dedicated to serve our customers and their patients. In a still quite dynamic nuclear medicine market, Isolife proves again its determination to keep on progressing which is a DNA part of the RLG companies since their formation”.
Loos, France, RLG, Isovital Headquarter, march 18th 2020: Covid-19; radiopharmaceuticals transportation remains fully operational.
In this terrible and unprecedented period of time for the community, for patients and all medical teams, the RLG remains also fully mobilized.
Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « I warmly thank for their professionalism and commitment our teams and partners whom, in full respect of regulation and official guidance, are still able to organize and deliver all the needed radiopharmaceuticals treatments for patients ».
Implementing its « pandemic flue procedure » and holding its permanent authorization, the RLG continues to complete all deliveries to hospitals and will pursue its efforts to maintain its radiopharmaceuticals transportation activities.
Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI). The RLG group companies are specialized in the transportation of radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials for national and international companies. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant and remarkable evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG has expanded in Belgium with Isotope Service International (ISI) acquisition. In 2019, more than 11.5 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.
Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49
Nuclear Medicine/ Radiopharmaceutical/Logistic
Loos, France, Isovital headquarter, 13 february 2020 :
ISOVITAL – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG) ; Positive results for the maintain of the ISO 9001-2015 certification for « the organization of transport for radioactive materials and dangerous goods ».
Following January 2020 AFAQ surveillance audit, Isovital is proud to announce the maintenance of its ISO 9001-2015 certification for « the organization of transport for radioactive materials and dangerous goods ».
Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « Key segment on its value chain, the radioactive materials and dangerous goods transportation is to be of major interest for patients and I’m delighted with the positive outcome of this maintenance audit. This result illustrates again our team and partners professionalism and commitment. Unique amongst radiopharmaceuticals transportation companies, this certification differentiates Isovital from others and obliges us not only toward all our customers, but it does also toward sick people».
Loos, France, RLG Headquarter, December 18th 2019 :
ISOVITAL – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG): “New services for customers”.
Thanks to its daily deliveries in clinical centers and hospitals, the RLG expand its “transportation and deliveries services” to pharmaceuticals, small materials and consumables for its nuclear medicine and tomography customers.
Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « Our new offer provides an increasing level of confidence to our customers for their sensitive shipments to nuclear medicine department. These new services will also contribute to reduce the road traffic and decrease the number of vehicles entering into hospitals and clinical centers”.
Fabrice Nibart, Isolife President added: « In addition to daily radio-pharmaceuticals deliveries for diagnostic and therapy, I’m glad for our current and new customers whom can now take advantage of this synergies in a field where punctuality represents a major issue for all the stakeholders ».
Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI), all ISO 9001 V2015 certified. The companies of the RLG group are specialized in A and B type transportation, in radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials shipments for national and international organizations. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotopes Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2019, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.
Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49
Loos, France, RLG Headquarter, May 29th 2019 :
ISOVITAL – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG): “High score for Isovital on the 2019 customer satisfaction survey”.
The customer satisfaction survey realized in March and April 2019 is now completed and Isovital is rated 17,77 out of 20 by its clients, increasing by 0,43 point its 2017 result.”.
Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « I’m pleased with this positive evolution of the quality of our service from our customers standpoint and I thank them all. These results reflect the level of our commitments and I congratulate our teams and partners as well. We still have progress to make and we work hard continuously to keep on increasing our services quality not only within Isovital, but also on the other RLG companies”.
Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI), all ISO 9001 V2015 certified. The companies of the RLG group are specialized in A and B type transportation, in radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials shipments for national and international organizations. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotopes Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2018, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.
Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49