Our latest news.

14 March 2019
Nuclear Medicine/ Radiopharmaceutical/Logistic

Loos, France, RLG Headquarter, March 14th 2019 :
ISOLIFE – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG) ; AFNOR ISO 9001-2015 certification maintained for the “transport organization of radioactive and hazardous materials”.

Following the March 2019 AFAQ audit, Isolife is pleased to announce that is AFAQ ISO 9001 V2015 was maintained, for the “transport organization of radioactive and hazardous materials”.

Fabrice Nibart, Isolife President stated : « Shortly after Isovital, maintaining certification Isolife success demonstrate our teams and partners professionalism and I thank them all. Unique amongst the logistics companies shipping radioactive and dangerous materials, those certifications common to the three RLG companies show our expertise notably for A and B type radioactive transportations. It also confirms again our determination to continue providing high quality and improving services to our clients”.

Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI), all ISO 9001 V2015 certified. The companies of the RLG group are specialized in A and B type transportation, in radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials shipments for national and international organizations. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotope Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2018, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.

Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49

28 February 2019
Médecine Nucléaire/ Radiopharmacie/Logistique

Loos, France, RLG Headquarter, February 28th 2019 :

ISOVITAL – Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG) ; AFNOR ISO 9001-2015 certification successfully renewed for the “organization of transport for radioactive and hazardous materials”.

Following the Jan 2019 AFAQ audit, Isovital is pleased to announce that is AFAQ ISO 9001 V2015 was successfully renewed until Fev 2022, for the “organization of transport for radioactive and hazardous materials”.

Philippe Sueur, Isovital President said : « The renewal of this certification is quite unique amongst logistic companies. I want to take the opportunity of this success to thank our partners and our teams fully dedicated to serve our customer and their patients. In a nuclear medicine market that quickly evolve with major players now, continuous progress is critical and as a DNA part of our company principle since its formation, we will pursue our effort to improve in the coming years”.

Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI). The companies of the RLG group are specialized in the transport of radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials for national and international companies. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant and remarkable evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotope Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2018, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG company.

Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye
+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49

16 January 2019
Nuclear Medicine/ Radiopharmaceutical/Logistic

Loos, France, RLG Headquarter, January 15th 2019:

Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG); Isotopes Service International restructuring successfully completed, 11 Million treated patients, thanks to RLG in 2018.


Acquired by Isovital in sept 2017 while it was in a complex situation, the Belgian company « Isotopes Service International » restructuring was successfully completed at the end of 2018.


In 2018, more than 11,2 million patients received their medicine thanks to the Radiopharma Logistics Group companies’ actions (IsoVital, IsoLife, Isotopes Service International) and this number will continue to rise in 2019.


Philippe Sueur, Isovital President stated: « To serve our customers thanks to our partners and employees, the three Radiopharma Logistics Group companies successfully completed thousands of sensitive operations for patients in 2018.  In a radiopharmaceutical market always better structured and more robust, 2019 begins on the same trend as last year. Thanks to effective synergies between our three companies, we can offer our customers a vast multimodal transport service that meets their national and international needs».


Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Services International (ISI). The RLG group companies are specialized in the transportation of radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials for national and international companies. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant and remarkable evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG has expanded in Belgium with Isotope Service International (ISI) acquisition. In 2018, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies.




Contact RLG : Sandra Roque-Verhoye

+33 (0) 3 20 16 02 49

29 August 2018
Patrick Bourdet, founder and former CEO of AREVA Med (Orano Med), joins the Radiopharma Logistics Group (RLG).

Patrick Bourdet, founder and former CEO of AREVA Med (Orano Med), joins the Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG). After being a consultant for its three companies, Patrick Bourdet is now a shareholder of the RLG.

In 2017, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the Radio Pharma Logistics Group.

Philippe Sueur, President of Isovital said: “We are very pleased that Patrick is joining RLG’s capital to significantly strengthen our Executive Committee. Patrick will bring us his international business experience, his knowledge of large groups and his global vision of the radiopharmaceutical market. He will concretely participate in the development of the Radio Pharma Logistics Group for the coming years.”

Patrick Bourdet added “I am satisfied to join RLG and its companies, highly specialized in radiopharmaceutical logistics operations. In 2017, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG companies and I look forward to being associated with the ISOvital, ISOlife and Isotopes Service International teams, which play an essential role in the life of patients”.

Radio Pharma Logistics Group (RLG) consists in the following companies: Isovital, Isolife and Isotopes Service International (ISI). The companies of the RLG group are specialized in the transport of radiopharmaceuticals and sensitive materials for national and international companies. Since their foundation in 2005, Isovital and Isolife have had a constant and remarkable evolution. At the end of 2017, RLG expanded with the acquisition of Isotope Service International, in Belgium (ISI). In 2017, more than 11 million patients received their care thanks to the actions of the RLG company.

31 July 2018
Welcome to our website !

It allows you to discover the world of ISOVital and all its services.

Specialized in the transport of radioactive and sensitive materials, we propose you to learn more about our company, our services and commitments as well as our certifications and conformity obligations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

This service is dedicated to customers of the RLG group that we invite to email to get their individual and confidential access codes.